ITSAC Subcommittees


To advise ITSAC on the needs for business intelligence at the University. Provide cross-functional perspectives and make recommendations in establishing priorities for Business Intelligence.


With respect to business intelligence:

  • Shared Data Governance – review current Data Governance structure and policies
    • To define, approve, and communicate data strategies, policies, standards, architecture, procedures, and metrics.
    • To track and enforce conformance to data strategies, policies, standards, architecture, and procedures.
    • To sponsor, track, and oversee the delivery of data management projects and services.
    • To manage and resolve data related issues.
    • To understand and promote the value of data assets.
    • Business Intelligence Strategy – review/revise the current BI strategy document prepared during the implementation of zzusis.
    • Developing strategies to use data in assisting University leadership with visibility on business performance.
    • Classify centralized vs decentralized roles for Business Intelligenc

Supplemental considerations:

  • Solution for University front-facing dashboards.


To advise the ITSAC on enterprise applications, which are business applications and tools that are used to provide institution-wide services that affect most or all colleges or divisions at WSU.


With respect to enterprise application:

  • Provide recommendations on the implementation, enhancement and efficient use of WSU’s enterprise applications.
  • Provide recommendations on the prioritization of resources for the implementation and continuing evolution of the various enterprise applications.
  • Assure potential enterprise applications are evaluated against the impact on the university’s mission and strategic goals and objectives.
  • Ensure that university stakeholder needs are included in the processes of evaluating potential new enterprise applications, determining priorities, and making recommendations about investment.
  • Evaluating impacts of proposed enterprise application retirements and make recommendations.
  • Assessing needs and recommending support for the development of key systems interface development.
  • Make recommendation on policies governing enterprise applications.

Areas of Focus:

  • All enterprise applications.
  • All institutional‐level API/interface needs.


To advise the ITSAC by recommending strategies, priorities, policies, and standards with regard to technology used for instruction. This subcommittee will also involve other university constituents as appropriate to achieve its goals.


With respect to instructional technology:

  • Focus on centralized versus decentralized roles in instructional technology activities.
  • Make recommendations regarding academic technologies.
  • Evaluate classroom technologies and life-cycle and make recommendations for improvement and funding.
  • Explore current and emerging faculty-centered instructional technologies (e.g. presentation systems) and support for improved technology integration to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Assess student-centered instructional technologies (e.g., audience response systems) and support and make recommendations for improved technology integration to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Assess on-line teaching and learning technologies and provide recommendations.
  • Develop recommendations for use of BYOD in teaching and learning.
  • Recommend strategies for videoconferencing use and support in teaching, learning.
  • Develop instructional technologies standards and policies.
  • Make funding recommendations.
  • Ensure the university’s instructional technology decisions are aligned with respect to university information technology initiatives and university goals and objectives.
  • Establish instructional technology strategies that deliver benefits and provide value to stakeholders throughout the university.
  • Ensure optimal investment in and proper management of instructional technology resources.
  • Provide risk management to ensure that systems comply with appropriate standards and regulations (e.g., FERPA).


To advise the ITSAC on best practices for assessing various IT functions, implementation of those practices, and use of information collected from assessment.


With respect to IT assessment activities:

  • Ensure assessment solutions and tools are consistent with the goals and objectives of the university.
  • Develop and recommend assessment procedures and IT solutions that meet accepted standards for data collection and analyses.
  • Review results of assessment activities and recommend IT improvements as needed.
  • Create a reporting structure for presentation of assessment results to multiple and various internal units.
  • Work with Communication Subcommittee to develop methods for sharing assessment results with external parties.
  • Track new developments in performance and outcome assessment and recommend revisions where appropriate.


To advise ITSAC and offer recommendations, guidance, and protocols for communications internal and external to the University, offering support to existing teams, departments, and social groups representing University interests.


With respect to IT communication:

  • Communicate the governance teams’ activities.
  • Evaluate communications of IT information using a more holistic approach.
  • Review and make recommendations on other means of communicating about IT matters.
  • Recommend changes, as needed, to assure that ITS websites are responsive to customer needs.
  • Provide recommendations for Improvement of communications during IT events/outages.
  • Recommend a more robust process for sending out security risk alerts.
  • Provide guidance on policies concerning electronic communication (internal as well as external) including web policies and social media policies associated with central IT.
  • Ensure the sharing of IT news, promotions, and information across departments, colleges, and campuses university-wide.
  • Ensure consistent and up-to-date branding standards are employed within IT systems, as appropriate.


To advise the ITSAC by providing recommendations, guidance, and protocols for infrastructure, defined as the foundation of planned IT capability (both technical and human) available throughout the enterprise as shared and reliable services used by multiple applications.


With respect to IT infrastructure:

  • Develop recommendations to achieve the university’s strategic directions.
  • Develop strategic and tactical plans and assessment metrics to align recommendations with broader institutional directions.
  • Explore current and emerging systems and solutions for improved infrastructure services.
  • Review and recommend policies, processes, decision protocols, and standards.
  • Provide guidance in prioritizing needs for resource allocation.
  • Coordinate task forces and ad hoc groups, as needed, to support the other ITSAC committees.
  • Communicate broadly within constituent groups to both gather and share information about resources, needs, and effectiveness.


To advise the ITSAC by providing recommendations, guidance, policies, standards, and strategies for university-wide technology procurement.


With respect to technology procurement:

  • Identify areas of IT expenditure where central contracts and agreements will be most beneficial to the university, and to assist in the negotiation and operation of such arrangements.
  • Engage with the various regional and national IT purchasing consortia that include higher education representation, ensuring that the university makes best use of its influence in any contracts and agreements negotiated by them.
  • Establish, manage, and promote framework contracts/preferred supplier lists, drawing upon the experience of the whole university to create a directory of suppliers that reflect and can satisfy its unique range of requirements.
  • Provide a forum for departments and colleges to raise issues surrounding the purchasing of IT, and communicate these, where appropriate, to Purchasing Services and ITS.
  • Assist Purchasing Services and the university’s IT support community in ensuring that IT-related purchasing in the university complies with state and federal regulations.


To advise the ITSAC by providing recommendations, guidance, and implementation strategies to enhance WSU’s national leadership in the field of research computing.


With respect to research computing:

  • Provide recommendations to implement the WSU research computing strategic plan with respect to (1) the identification of application domains representing existing and emerging areas of academic and research strength at WSU; (2) the deployment and governance of a responsive cyber-infrastructure; and (3) the pursuit of strategic partnerships and regional alliances.
  • Provide recommendations to deploy, sustain, and re-capitalize a modern research computing infrastructure that is responsive to the enduring and emerging needs of the WSU research community.
  • Help identify strategic partnerships and funding opportunities aligned with the university’s goals to establish leadership in research computing and provide recommendations to capture these opportunities.
  • Provide recommendations to best prepare the WSU research computing community to exploit the ultra-scale capabilities available at leadership-class national supercomputing facilities.
  • Provide recommendations to develop and implement a management model for the efficient, sustainable, flexible, and transparent use of/and access to the shared IT resources supporting research computing.
  • Work with the ITSAC Infrastructure Subcommittee to ensure alignment of the needs of the WSU research computing community with the capabilities provided by the university’s cyber-infrastructure.
  • Provide recommendations to ensure effective integration of the needs and requirements of the WSU research community across all its geographically distributed campuses.
  • Document the needs of the WSU research computing community, identify the technology solutions to meet these needs, and provide recommendations to implement these solutions.


To advise the ITSAC and CIO by providing recommendations, guidance, and feedback on institutional information security and privacy needs and to ensure alignment with the WSU mission, business objectives, and strategic plan.


With respect to security and compliance:

  • Develop security program and plan.
  • Make recommendations regarding security policies and standards.
  • Provide security risk management.
  • Gather and evaluate security metrics.
  • Coordinate security assessments, audits, and compliance.
  • Develop user security awareness and education programs.
  • Focus on centralized vs. decentralized roles, responsibilities, authorities, and accountabilities.
  • Review and recommend new security initiatives/solutions.
  • Make funding recommendations.


Provide advice and guidance to the ITSAC for issues related to student use of technology.


With respect to students:

  • Make policy recommendations on student technology matters.
  • Provide input on potential, planned, and current IT projects.
  • Provide input to the IT strategic plan as part of the annual renewal and environmental analysis.
  • Alert the ITSAC to strategic student support issues and emerging technology needs.

This is a short-duration task force charged with coordinating the process of developing the IT Strategic Plan in collaboration with VP for IT and CIO.


To evaluate the current state of Academic videoconferencing at WSU, given the widespread perception that graduate education, and discussion based classes, cannot be delivered via the WSU videoconferencing system.


With respect to Video Conferencing:

  • Is the perception accurate?
  • Qualtrics Survey for instructor feedback
  • Blue Data for student feedback
  • Compared support models state-wide
  • Examined classroom design standards
  • Sustainability of existing infrastructure

Analysis, including:

  • Behavioral
  • Classroom Layout and Design
  • Administrative/Operational
  • Technical/Infrastructure