July 2024 Linux Production Patching

Please see the following scheduled Information Technology Services (ITS) change process below:

Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Start Time: 7:00 p.m.
End Time: 11:59 p.m.

The following work is being completed: Linux systems managed by ITS will be updated to include newly released patches. As part of these updates, individual systems may need to be rebooted.

All affected groups: Entire WSU community

Duration of impact: Services may be unavailable for several minutes as servers are rebooted. Those services using redundant servers to provide additional availability should expect no user impact.

All processes affected: Processes that use ITS Linux services, including smtp.wsu.edu, Shibboleth authentication, ITS monitoring (Zabbix), Splunk services, and the University communications web servers (wsu.edu and others) may be impacted.

Follow up steps: None

Contact: Please contact Crimson Service Desk via email at crimsonservicedesk@wsu.edu or phone at 509-335-4357.