Replace Production Exchange SSL Certificate, 3/12

Please see the following scheduled Information Technology Services (ITS) maintenance:

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Start Time: 8 p.m.          

End Time: 10 p.m.

The following work is being completed: Renew and replace SSL certificates on Production Exchange servers – A certificate signing request will be created and submitted to our certificate authority and a new certificate created and downloaded. This certificate will then be installed in the certificate store, and changes to IIS and Exchange will be made so that the service references the new certificate. These changes will need to be done on both servers.

All affected groups: All of WSU.

All processes affected: Exchange onsite (mail enabled group and some other legacy communications)

Duration of impact: 30 minutes

Follow up steps customers need to take: None

Questions? Please contact with any questions regarding this scheduled outage.