NAT IP Firewall Changes

Please see the following Information Technology Services (ITS) maintenance notification:

Date: Monday, November 8, 2021
Start Time: 8:00 p.m.
End Time: 9:00 p.m.

The following work is being completed: ITS will be moving the NATs for PCI networks from each MCF firewall to the Border firewall.  This will result in utilizing newly selected NAT IP addresses.  The old and new NAT information is in below.

MCFPCI Workstation VLAN
Current PCI Workstation NAT
PCI Card Reader VLANCurrent PCI Card Reader NAT
NeillVLAN 521 ( 531 (
SloanVLAN 522 ( 532 (
ITBVLAN 524 ( 534 (
FSHNVLAN 525 ( 535 (
HollandVLAN 526 ( 536 (

NEW PCI Workstation NAT:

NEW PCI Card Reader NAT:

All affected groups: PCI Workstations and PCI Card Readers

Duration of Impact: The actual work is expected to take 15 minutes, but the entire network is reserved for this work.

All Processes Affected: PCI Workstations and PCI Card Readers NATs

Follow-up steps customers need to take: If customers have servers that the PCI Workstations or PCI Card Readers communicate with, access lists may need to be updated.

For technical assistance: Please contact Crimson Service Desk via email<> , by phone at (509) 335-4357, or [online|].