Firewalls upgrade

Please see the following scheduled ITS maintenance process.

Dates: Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 9:00 PM

The following work is being completed: ITS is upgrading Palo Alto firewalls to address security and bug fixes:

  • iReach Border
  • TriCities Border
  • Yakima Border
  • SBDC Border

All processes affected:
The failovers will cause a one- to two-second delay in traffic each time, possibly affecting very sensitive jobs.

Duration of impact:
Although no service interruptions are expected, the upgrade involves two failovers between the active and passive firewalls.

Follow up steps customers need to take:

Questions? If you have questions or concerns, please contact
Please contact the Crimson Service Desk via email at or by phone at 509-335-4357, or online.