Prior Term Group Removal

Please see the following Information Technology Services notice:

Date:  Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Start time:  8:00 p.m.
End time:  9:00 p.m.

The following work is being completed: The term groups for Spring 2021 and older will be removed.

Existing practice as noted in the WSU Business Policies and Procedures is to retain those group memberships for three terms prior to the current term.

Duration of impact: The deletion is expected to take up to 15 minutes.

All affected groups: Any Applications utilizing these term groups.

Additional Info: In Active Directory there are a series of “term” groups whose membership is based on those who are enrolled in the various classes at WSU. Each new term we create a new Organizational Unit (OU) container to hold all of the enrollments for all classes in that term.

The specific location of these groups in AD is:

WSU Authorization Groups
  -> Enterprise Groups
     -> Provisioned Groups
        -> Term Groups

Follow-up steps customers need to take: none.

For questions/assistance, contact: The Crimson Service Desk by phone at (509) 335-4357, email at, or visit