Microsoft Add-in’s for Excel

Please see the following scheduled ITS maintenance process.

Date:  Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Start Time:  8:00 PM
End Time:  8:15 PM

The following work is being completed: Excel’s built-in add-ins for data visualization: “Visio Data Visualizer,” “Bing Maps,” and “People Graph” require approval in the admin console to work. This would allow for the use of these Microsoft-created add-ins.

All affected groups: Everyone at WSU would have the ability to use these add-ins to visualize Excel data.

Duration of impact: Anticipated 15 minutes for implementation.

Follow up steps customers need to take: None

Additional Info: Clicking on the add-in links will now work, where previously it would have lead to a message that the add-in was not allowed.

For assistance, contact: Crimson Service Desk by phone at (509) 335-4357, or via email