Cortex Endpoint Security Agent

Please see the following Information Technology Services (ITS) maintenance:

Dates: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Start Time: 5:00 p.m.
End Time: 5:00 p.m.

The following work is being completed: Palo Alto has released a new agent version of Cortex endpoint security agent as of December 5th.  At close of business today (December 7th) the voluntary test group will be upgraded with the new agent version that is appropriate for the operating system (7.6.0.xxxx, Windows, Linux, Mac).  The release notes for the new Cortex agent can be found here.  The most notable is the expansion for operating support of Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.  If you wish to be added to the voluntary test group, please email with your hostname/computer name.

The updated Cortex XDR also provides a unified, normalized asset inventory for cloud assets in Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services. This capability provides deeper visibility to all the assets and superior context for incident investigation. If you are interested in setting up cloud assets with Cortex XDR, please email

The updated Cortex XDR now supports using Filebeat version 7.14 when using XDR Collectors for On-premise Data Collection on Windows and Linux machines.

The updated Cortex XDR can now ingest Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) logs. To receive logs, configure Configurations Data Collection Integrations settings for the Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection data collector in Cortex XDR.

The updated Cortex XDR has new support for Collecting all Okta Data Events with an enhanced Okta data collector.

All affected groups: WSU Pullman

Duration of Impact: None

All Processes Affected: Cortex XDR

Steps to take ahead of time: None

Follow-up steps customers need to take: If customers are included in the voluntary test group, verify Cortex version 7.6.0.xxxx.

For technical assistance: Please contact Crimson Service Desk via email, by phone at (509) 335-4357, or online